Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Farm Sanctuary wants you to love your animals truly, deeply, passionately

Want to know what happens when people get just a little too far away from the source of their food? They become vegans and they romanticize the life of animals in the wild. Maybe they started watching Disney cartoons at age 3 and think that’s the way it really is?

Here’s what Farm Sanctuary, a group of naïve urbanites who just published an insanely off-the-mark “expose” of the cattle business have to say about themselves: “In an ideal world, there would be no need for Farm Sanctuary. There would be no factory farms or stockyards, and cows, pigs, chickens, and other farm animals would not be abused. They would be free to laze in the breeze, bathe in the sun, scratch at the earth, and enjoy life.”

Let’s amend that description to make it a little more real world and a little less Spongebob Squarepants. Stop me if you're a rancher and intend to keep those 800 calves on your property as house pets.

Of course, those calves "bathing in the sun" wouldn’t be humanely harvested later by a facility that carefully follows Temple Grandin’s strict directives on animal care. The harvesting would be done sometime next week by a predator; a bigger, wilder animal hungry for fresh meat. The damn thing probably can’t even read so Temple’s books on animal welfare would go unheeded.

Of course, those calves might not even live long enough to be harvested by Wile E. Coyote’s violent real life brother. They could develop a disease of some kind and their mamas might not have the phone number of the vet who could administer medication on speed dial. Dieing shortly after birth is certainly a humane way to supply food to those poor starving vultures overhead.

"But wait!" as they say on late night TV infomercials. Farm Sanctuary has more nonsense in their personal description. Cognoscenti should read this and try not to giggle: “Sorrowfully, animals raised on today's industrialized farms are treated like unfeeling commodities, and their basic needs are completely ignored.”

OK, let’s disregard their free health care as a basic need. The American public (the people, not the animals) doesn’t get free health care. Why should a cow? Those FS’ers seem to believe you feed lot operators aren’t giving your cattle sufficient rations of scientifically developed feed and what’s the idea of giving them generic water, anyway? If Perrier and Evian are good enough for the urban elitists at F.S., then it’s good enough for cattle.

To drive the final nail into the coffins of agricultural America and dramatically reveal the true horror of it all, F.S. says everyone in the cattle, pork and poultry business is guilty of all those heinous things simply for “for the sake of a profit margin.”

So what do you say, guys? Want to do this animal ag thing as a break-even hobby or maybe take an annual loss for the goodness of mankind and the welfare of cattle? Would you like to do all the work, do all the research into better and more efficient ways to provide food to the people of the world – the poor, starving masses as well as the rich, overfed asses?

Here is the kicker - Farm Sanctuary claims they were “founded in 1986 to combat the abuses of industrialized farming and to encourage a new awareness and understanding about farm animals. At Farm Sanctuary, these animals are our friends, not our food.”

Here’s what you should do. Donate one cow, pig or chicken to their cause but make it a true “friend”. Drop the critter off at their loft, condo, pied a terre or wherever they live along with adoption papers. These newfound best buds can sit down together over a vegan dinner and discuss politics, religion and the outrageous cost of food these days.

In case you want to go the extra mile and help these little children of the earth, this year F.S. celebrates their 20th anniversary! Help them reflect on this momentous occasion.

Join them in celebrating their first twenty years and in building support for the future at their 20th Anniversary Gala on Wall Street. You were thinking they would do this in Omaha or Ft. Worth, maybe? I'll bet Dodge City didn't even make their top ten.

This important event will bring together "B" list celebrity supporters like Daryl Hannah. Yeah, there’s always a bunch of those who do this kind of thing between films and with Hannah’s dead end career, she has a LONG time to kill between films. You’ll get to meet “key” legislators who can’t pass up a voter no matter how silly his beliefs and “animal advocates to honor farm animals and those who have fought so tirelessly in their defense.”

Here’s how you can participate. One word of caution, though. A gourmet vegan dinner is an oxymoron.

Saturday, May 20, 2006
Cipriani Wall Street
55 Wall Street, New York, NY
3 - Course Gourmet Vegan Dinner ~
Farm Animal-Inspired Auction ~
Award Presentations ~
Registration deadline is May 15, 2006.

To purchase your tickets or for more information about the event, including product donations, sponsorship and advertising opportunities and auction contributions to support the event, please contact Farm Sanctuary at 607-583-2225 ext. 221.


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