Sunday, October 28, 2007

Talking about...Farm bill, Canadian cattle, Food safety

Who said what about the new farm bill
“We would not oppose the latest version.”
Mark Dopp, American Meat Institute Senior VP for Regulatory Affairs and General Council.
>PS: He’s Ok with it.

"We have serious concerns about this language. It appears to create a two-tier system within FSIS."
Philip Kimball, North American Meat Processors Association Executive Director.
>PS: He’s afraid the provision allowing state-inspected facilities to compete in inter-state commerce could give eligible processors an economic advantage over NAMP members.

"It doesn't make sense to take these smart business options away from cattle producers, simply because of unfounded and unsubstantiated fears that packers are gaining too much control over cattle production."
Joe Schuele, NCBA Communications Director.
>PS: He’s OK with expanded ownership of cattle.

"We don't like it. Not only does it ban packer ownership of hogs, but our legal counsel are adamant that the language also bans marketing contracts between producers and packers."
David Warner, National Pork Producers Council Communications Director.
>PS: He’s OK with expanded ownership of hogs.
(Source: Meatingplace, October, 26, 2007)________________________________________________________

"I told him he stole my cattle, but he said he had no bidding competition so what was he to do. I knew prices were low but I didn't expect that bombshell. I'm pretty depressed. I've put my life into this."
(Source: CountryGuide, October 27, 2007)
Marcel Turgeon, Alberta cattleman, talking about the short bid for 123 of his best Charolais when he watched 50 years of his life get sold for $56,000.
>PS: Under normal market conditions Turgeon could have gotten $200,000 to $250,000 for the pregnant cows. He only got $479 apiece.

“We’re beginning to feel that the 2002 guidelines have not been enacted to the maximum.”
(Source: New York Times. October 23, 2007)
Dr. Richard A. Raymond, USDA under secretary for food safety, responding to a question during an interview about the reasons behind the upsurge in E. coli cases this summer.
>PS: What he was really saying was did the Agriculture Department give the meat industry too much leeway to police itself?


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