Sunday, December 26, 2004

Half dozen direct mail mistakes


1. I didn’t know exactly what my market was.
Market research is the most important part of marketing

2. I mailed to the wrong list.
The most important thing you’ll learn from good market research is this: How to match the offer to the list

3. I told them the price before I told them about the product.
Price is NEVER the primary concern. First, you must make your prospect want what you're selling.

4. I told them the price before I told them the benefits.
People want to know what they'll gain before they want to know the cost.

5. I told them the wrong price.
Know the market and test price points. Pricing to high is just as wrong as pricing to low.

6. I didn’t test the offer first.
Test, test, test, test. Test the copy, test the benefits, test the price point, test the mailing list. Do an A/B test with a small mailing, then go all out with the winner.


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